Car Care Month

October 7, 2019

October is Car Care Month!

Everyone knows that October is the month of spooky ghouls and treats, but did you know that it is also Car Care Month? Your car, SUV, or truck took you on vacation, towed the boat and camper, and got you to all of the beach parties and cookouts this summer. Now, your vehicle will help you get the kids to school and all around the country to visit family during the holidays. Take some time this month to thank your faithful companion. Unsure of how to do that? Rad Air has you covered. 

1. Take It Easy on the Brakes.

It’s easy to get in the habit of just slamming on the brakes when it comes time to stop. Try to slowly press on the brakes and give them time to ease to a halt. The easier you go on your brakes, the longer they will hold up. Easing up on your brakes will keep them in better shape, so you can count on them for those emergencies when they are most needed. If they are in need of repair, Rad Air can help you with brake repairs.

2. Attend a Car Care Clinic.

Bill Snow from Rad Air of Wickliffe will be holding two car care clinics during the month of October. The clinics will provide helpful tips on car maintenance. The better you take care of your car, the longer it will keep you going. The first will be held at the Wickliffe Library (October 7th) and Mentor Library (October 28th). 

3. Get Fall Maintenance.

Rad Air is always trying to make car care as accessible as we can. We always have coupons on our site to help you out. Our Fall Super Maintenance Special is a well-rounded care package to make sure that your car is in the best condition for the upcoming cold weather.

Thank your car for getting you where you need to go. These care tips will make the getting there all that much better. It is speculated that the average person spends 17,600 minutes behind the wheel a year, so let’s make those minutes count. Let Rad Air help you celebrate Car Care Month!

Celebrate with Rad Air