When you purchase a new car, you are making a significant investment. Now, you must protect it to preserve its value—and the best way to do this is through regular preventative vehicle maintenance, including the following services:
There are two considerations for maintenance: The first is following the maintenance schedule outlined in your owner’s manual. If you adhere to this, you will generally avoid all major vehicle repairs with the exception of consumables like brakes, tires, and wiper blades that must be replaced over time. The second consideration is your personal driving habits. For example, do you regularly drive 30 miles to work in the snow and ice? Do you put minimal miles on your car? The answers to these questions will impact your maintenance needs.
It is so important to bring your vehicle to a reputable, professional automotive repair shop for your maintenance services. A trained technician’s eye can be so valuable, detecting the earliest warning signs of an issue before it becomes a major—and costly—problem. This is why we recommend never ignoring a weird noise, smell, or performance issue. Some drivers are worried that the needed repair will be expensive. However, in most cases, the earlier you identify an issue, the easier—and less expensive—it is to fix, usually with a simple adjustment or lubrication.
Every time you bring your vehicle to Rad Air Westlake for any service, we carefully inspect your vehicle. Our goal is to save you money in the future by identifying necessary preventative maintenance. For example, when your vehicle hits 75,000 miles, we will recommend a transmission fluid replacement service, a service that usually costs between $200 and $250. If you decide to decline this service, you will likely need a brand new transmission somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000 miles—and a transmission rebuild service can cost upwards of $2,500 depending on your vehicle make and model.
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Trust Rad Air Westlake for top preventative maintenance services that help you protect your vehicle and prevent future costly repairs.