Preventative Maintenance – Planning Ahead

Preventative Car MaintenanceThis much is true – preventative maintenance on your car really does work. With a little planning and knowledge, you can help your car to run better for longer without a serious, not to mention expensive, repair. What are some of the things to remember in preventative maintenance? Consider these easy steps to protecting the investment you have in your car:

Maintaining the motor oil

Other than the gas that runs your engine, motor oil is probably one of the most critical fluids in your car’s engine. Not only does motor oil lubricate the thousands of parts that have to operate in order to make sure that the metal, once heated, doesn’t fuse together, but the oil also cools the engine parts, cleans it from accumulated dirt and metal oxidation and removes contamination. Performing regular oil changes is a simple way to make sure that your engine works properly. It is especially critical for those drivers who complete mostly short trips, as opposed to highway driving. Short trips prevent the oil from heating up enough to boil the water out of the crankcase. When the water isn’t removed, it turns into sludge which creates too much engine wear. To solve this problem, simply have the oil changed every 3,000 to 7,500 miles at a car care center, depending on the recommendations of the oil manufacturer.

Change the transmission fluid

Though many people don’t think to have their local auto repair shop change out their transmission fluid, not changing it may lead to a transmission failure well before a transmission should ever be an issue. In comparison to replacing a transmission, changing out the fluid and the filter is a minuscule expense. Changing the transmission fluid every 25,000 miles is something that your local Cleveland auto shop can handle easily.

Check your cooling systems

Antifreeze is one of the easiest and most overlooked fluids in your car, yet it can leave you stranded on the side of the road if it is not maintained, resulting in an expensive radiator repair. It is important to know that most manufacturers recommend a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze in a radiator – not either straight antifreeze or straight water. Most complete car care centers in Akron recommend changing the antifreeze every 30,000 miles to help in preventing car parts from corroding.

Completing some basic preventative maintenance on your car can prolong its life and save you from expensive repairs to your engine, transmission, and radiator. Having your auto mechanic change the oil regularly, replace the transmission fluid and filter, and draining and replacing your antifreeze are easy, inexpensive steps that can keep your car operating for the long-term.