Meet-the-Mechanic: John at Garfield Heights

December 18, 2012

Mechanic of the Month from the Garfield Heights Auto Shopgarfield heights, ohio, auto, mechanic, technician, car, cars, 44125

John is a 2-year Rad Air veteran!  Learn more about our awesome employee, John!

1. John was born and raised in Brunswick, Ohio where his love for working on cars began.

2. He attended Brunswick High School for two years before attending the Medina County Career Center in Medina, Ohio.

3.With more than 12 years of auto repair experience, John has worked on all makes and models!

4. He rebuilt and prepared a 1991 Camaro for racing. He takes the car drag racing when he has the time.

5. On Sundays, John enjoys watching football with his family.

6. John is a fish daddy! He cares for an assortment of saltwater fish in his home.

7. His favorite jobs to work on in the shop are tough electrical problems because it forces you to use your mind.

8. John has 7 ASE Certifications and will soon be sitting for his Master Technician exam!

9. The toughest car he has ever worked on was December’s Rad Ride! It came to our shop with a radio problem which turned out to be a bad computer.

10. John has been with Rad Air for 2 years and says his favorite parts about his job is the easy-going, relaxed atmosphere and the sense of teamwork and family he gets from his coworkers.

If you think you might have an electrical problem in your vehicle, call up Eric, our Garfield Heights shop manager, to schedule an appointment. John would be happy to take a look under the hood! To congratulate John on a job well done, leave a note for him in the Comments section below!