Does this plastic red-and-yellow car have a special place in your childhood memories? If so, you’re not alone. The ‘Cozy Coupe’ was introduced by Little Tikes in 1979. For many years, the Cozy Coupe, which reminds us of both Fred Flintstone and a Volkswagen Beetle, outsold many popular, real cars including the Ford F-series pickup truck and the Honda Accord.
By 2009, Little Tikes, which is headquarted in Hudson, Ohio, had sold more than 10 million foot-powered cars. Today’s models are available in a variety of colors, characters and themes. If you’re feeling nostalgic, you can see the original right here in Northeast Ohio. The very first Cozy Coupe is on display at the Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum in Cleveland where it is undoubtedly the most fuel-efficient, low-maintenance vehicle on the showroom floor.