Are you trying to conserve resources, protect the environment, and “go green” in general? Just as you would apply the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mantra to other areas of your life, you can save money and resources when taking care of your vehicle. Here’s how!
Reduce. Increase your fuel economy and reduce your chance of needing major repairs by following a regular maintenance schedule and sticking to it. Talk to your car care advisor about recommended services and repairs. Inspections performed during regular maintenance services like oil changes can identify issues which can become costly repairs in the future.
Reuse. Reuse your vehicle before getting a new one. Hold on to your current vehicle instead of buying a new one or pass your vehicle on to a child or family member. The best used vehicle is your own used vehicle because you know and understand its service history and needs!
Recycle. Make sure your auto repair shop recycles tires, batteries, components, motor oil and fluids used at the shop. Ask your shop about the various measures taken to protect the clients, employees and community as a whole.
Rad Air adheres to a strict Environmental and EPA Compliance policy to protect the environment and recycle the various resources and products we work with. You can trust Rad Air goes to great lengths to protect clients and the environment. If you own an electric or hybrid vehicle, you can learn more about Rad Air’s specialized hybrid and EV services here! Each Rad Air technician is undergoes extensive training to work on these specialized vehicles. We also offer remanufactured batteries to help the environment and save you money on expensive replacements!