Auto Repair Skills Challenge: The Results are In!

April 1, 2016

This year at the 50th Annual Piston-Powered Auto-Rama, held in Cleveland, Ohio, 39 high school students competed in the Rad Air Vocational Skills Challenge. The Challenge was designed to test the skills and knowledge of young automotive students in the areas of automotive repair, maintenance and diagnostics. The students were required to complete ten different assignments in our challenge stations including:

1. Wiring Diagram Analysis

2. Tool Identification

3. Meter Use

4. OBD Generic II Scan Tool

5. Vehicle Inspection Checklist

6. Tire Identification & Ratings

7. Off-Car Parts Identification

8. 20-Question Exam

9. Wheel Bearing Challenge / Torque & Rim Run Out

10. Tire Patch Challenge

Eighteen teams of two students and one single-member team competed. With a total possible score of 1,000 points, the top three teams scored over 800 points. Congratulations to all the teams who participated. Our top five teams were:

1. First Place – Tyler Yarsky and Greg Ford from Lorain County JVS

2. Second Place – Dustin Schupp and Ryan Shepherd from Pioneer Career Center

3. Third Place – David Grayzanic and Sarah Ostromek from Medina Career Center

Our winners received scholarships to Ohio Technical College and Snap-On Tools to use in their careers.




