Replace Your Car’s Cabin Air Filter And Fight The Funk Of Fall

October 14, 2017

Ah the smells of fall.  The leaves in the crisp fall breeze.  The hints of apple and cinnamon wafting in the air around Pick N’ Save Orchard in Medina.  The pumpkin spice candles, air fresheners, body lotions, hand sanitizers, donuts and coffee that slap us in the face as we walk through Strongsville’s Southpark Mall in autumn.  The stagnant funk of football cleats and pungent aroma of wool marching band uniforms after the Hoban/Buchtel game in Akron.

Yup- it’s not all pretty when it comes to the aromas of fall!

Have you ever noticed that your car can be particularly stinky in the fall?  It really makes sense.  In the spring we had baseball practices and muddy soccer cleats.  In the summer we had musty beach towels that were left in the backseat and sweaty shirts we took off after mowing the lawn.  And now we’ve got those wonderful autumn smells I just mentioned.  Our cabin air filter is working overtime, and it’s probably time to put it to pasture.

That cabin air filter does a lot more than just keep the smells out.  It also traps contaminants like pollen, bacteria, dust and exhaust gases and prevents them from coming inside your car.  If you have people in your house that suffer from chronic allergies, you would be doing them a huge favor by swapping out that filter.  It’s one of the least expensive ways to help give allergy relief in the fall too.  Air cabin filters usually cost somewhere between $10 and $20.  Any allergy sufferer would tell you that’s a small price to pay for comfort.

The general rule of thumb is that you change your cabin air filter every 12-15,000 miles.  If you don’t drive much and keep the mileage low on your vehicle you should at least get it changed in the spring and fall, as those are the times that the filter is working the hardest.

Let us do it for you.  The pros at Rad Air are waiting to get your car or truck ready for winter, and changing your cabin air filter is just one step in your fall car maintenance plan.  Contact us to set up an appointment today, and see why Rad Air is Northeast Ohio’s number one choice for car care.