Rad Air’s Rock and Roll City Playlist

April 9, 2018

Rolling Stone Magazine is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and since we are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame City, we thought we’d give you some ideas for the best songs for traveling around the city.

Here are some songs to get you ready for the road in Cleveland:

1. Born to Be Wild – Steppenwolf
Yeah, it’s a better listen if you are on a hog, but there are plenty of Clevelanders in mini-vans who hit the open road to this rock classic, too!  Roll down the windows and let the wind make your hair go wild. Everyone is a rebel when this song comes on!




2. No Particular Place to Go – Chuck Berry
Who needs GPS when you can just hit the road and cruise?  This is a great song for a drive down 71 South, and you can just play it on repeat until you run out of gas! Okay, you might want to keep an eye on the gas gauge, but cruising is not about the destination, it’s the journey.




3. On the Road Again – Willie Nelson
So you can argue that this song isn’t in the rock genre, but there is no bigger rock star than Willie!  This is the perfect singalong song to start your spring road trip.  Everybody knows the words and no one ever sounds bad singing it. Right?





4. Fun Fun Fun – The Beach Boys
Edgewater Park isn’t Malibu, but it feels like it when you play this song.  You might not be able to surf, but you can kayak, which is basically like surfing only you are sitting down.  You’ll feel like a California Girl or Guy when this tune is blasting through your speakers.  Don’t forget your sunscreen!




5. Cruise (Remix)- Florida Georgia Line Ft. Nelly
A little something for the modern era, this country/hip-hop hybrid is a great anthem for the open road.  Let those windows down and cruise, especially if you have a gigantic pick-up truck.  If you are on your way to Blossom for a summertime concert, this song is a must.



Before you rock out on the open road, stop by your local Rad Air to make sure your vehicle is road ready.  Schedule a vehicle inspection today, and we’ll make sure you are ready to drive safely, even if you have no particular place to go!


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