Cleveland Summer Heat Car Care Tips

June 1, 2019

There’s that big glowing thing in the sky again!

Is your vehicle ready for summer in Cleveland?

Cleveland weather. Who knows if we’ll ever figure it out? When the local weatherman, in our case the beloved Dick Goddard, is one of the most famous people in your city, you know that weather conditions have a big impact on the locals. Usually, we are worried about how much snow we’ll have to traverse through on our way down I-480 as we head to work. But, the summertime is different. In Cleveland, summer means high temps and high humidity. While it’s not the same type of harsh environment we see in the winter, it can often be very hard on your vehicle. So, we’re going to do something different.

We are going to tell you how to take care of your vehicle in tropical Cleveland. Here are some summer heat car care tips to help keep you moving this summer!

Tip #1: Check Your Coolant Often

Coolant systems need to be flushed periodically, and in between flushes they should be monitored. If need be, top it off with the proper mix of the manufacturers recommended coolant.

Tip #2: Keep Your Tires Inflated

Rubber and heat are not very good friends. Your tires don’t love the heat, and if they are low or under-inflated, that could lead to a blowout because the rubber is compromised by the increased  heat developed by under-inflated tires. Always remember to check tire pressure once the tires have cooled, not when they are hot, because that could give an inaccurate read.

Tip #3:  Take Care of the Driver

Don’t forget that accidents are a leading culprit for poor car performance, and these can be caused by the driver themselves overheating. Keep cool and check your A/C prior to the summer months hitting Cleveland with full force. Get all of your filters checked, so your cooling system is running with optimum efficiency.

Tip #4:  Be Prepared

The last thing you want to do is be caught unprepared if your car overheats and breaks down on the highway this summer. Always have an emergency kit ready, and take fresh water with you when you leave in the morning, just in case you are stranded for a while.

Need a pro to make sure your car is running at maximum efficiency this summer? Sounds like you need your neighborhood Rad Air team to get you ready for the season. Bring your car in today for a summer inspection and beat the heat when you hit the streets!

Schedule Your Summer Vehicle Inspection