You probably do not spend a lot of time thinking about your vehicle’s engine drive belts and hoses. However, they have an extremely important function in your vehicle. Most vehicles have one to three (and sometimes four) engine accessory drive belts. If any one of the belts fails, you can lose the ability to safely handle and drive your car, the engine can overheat, and/or you can lose battery charging ability. Likewise, the system has several radiator, cooling system, and heater hoses. These hoses carry coolant, or antifreeze, throughout your vehicle’s engine, heater, and radiator. If the hose fails, your engine will overheat, leaving you stranded, or you will have heating and defrosting issues. How will you know if it is time to have your belt or hose replaced? You might hear a belt squealing as it is going bad, but hoses can fail without warning. We recommend that you have your car’s belts and hoses inspected every time you have your lube, oil, and filter changed. In general, they should be serviced every 7-plus years or 100,000 miles.
During our belt and hose inspection, our technicians will carefully evaluate their condition. Belts and hoses are exposed to chemicals, heat, cold, and friction that can cause them to deteriorate. If any hoses need to be replaced, we will remove the hose clamps and fit the new hoses. Belt alignment and replacement should be performed by a qualified technician who can inspect the pulleys and tensioners to make sure the new belt won’t fail due to worn parts. There’s no secret sauce to belt and hose inspection, but this important preventative maintenance should not be overlooked.
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Take care of your belts and hoses now and prevent future, more costly, issues later on. Schedule your service at Rad Air Akron.