Purchasing a car is a significant undertaking and something that many do not want to do too often. To keep from needing to replace your car, you’ll want to take good care of it and perform the preventative maintenance that it needs regularly to stay running well. We’ve provided our suggestions for preventative maintenance by mileage. In this blog, we’re going to discuss car maintenance tips that you should perform every 1,000 – 3,000 miles. Check back later for details on what you what you should do at other significant mile markers. Without further ado, here’s what you should check on your car every 1,000 – 3,000 miles:
- Oil level We typically recommend oil changes as specified in your car’s owner’s manual which usually falls somewhere between every 3,000 and 6,000 miles. So, since you aren’t changing your oil every 1,000 miles, you should check your oil level around every 1,000 miles. Your oil reduces friction in your engine and keeps the places where metal rubs on metal from getting too hot. So, oil is incredibly important and can help prevent costly repairs that come from damage caused by not having the right amount of oil or clean oil. That’s why you’ll want to inspect your oil levels every 1,000 miles.To check your oil levels, make sure that your engine is cool. Then, take the dipstick out and wipe it off with a rag (oil levels can be distorted when you first take out the dipstick due to the movement of the car). Put the dipstick back in and then pull it out and see if the oil levels are where they should be. If they aren’t, you may have a leak which you should get checked out by a pro like our car care experts at Rad Air.
- Tire pressure Driving on improperly inflated tires can cause abnormal wear on your tires. The shortens the life of your tires and causes you to replace them sooner than typically necessary. Thus, to prevent this costly expense, you’ll want to check your tire pressure every 1,000 – 3,000 miles.To check your tire pressure, you’ll need to get a tire pressure gauge (you can pick these up for pretty cheap at an automotive store) and use it to see what PSI your tires are filled to. Consult your owner’s manual to determine how full you tires should be and then adjust the inflation accordingly.
- Antifreeze and coolant level Antifreeze and coolant are two other important liquids when it comes to keeping your car running well. Besides checking your oil, you will also want to check both your coolant and antifreeze levels and fill them as necessary.
- Belts and hoses Your car’s belts and hoses are an important part of what keeps your car running well. So, you’ll want to check them out regularly to see if they need to be replaced. If your hoses appear to be brittle, are worn or are bulging, you will need to get them replaced. If your belts are frayed or worn, then you will need to have your belts replaced.
- Air filter. Your air filter is what keeps harmful substances from getting into your engine. If it damaged or dirty, these substances can enter your engine and cause problems. If your air filter is dirty or blocked, you will need to have it replaced.
If your car is hitting these 1,000 – 3,000 mile milestones, you’ll want to make sure you check out the 5 areas listed above. By engaging in this preventative maintenance, you’re helping to keep your car running well. For more car maintenance tips based on mileage, check out these brief maintenance reminders. If you need assistance with replacing any of these items or with refilling the important liquids, Rad Air can help.
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